Strictly Come Dancing 2012 – Week 3 "Hollywood"
Hollywood week and here’s hoping we some some Blockbusters, and I don’t mean with Bob Holness!
Can Richard keep out of the dance-off this week, and will Louis & Denise still be vying for the top spot. Read on to find out.
Fern Britton & Artem Chigvintsev – Charleston
Funky graphics to start, and a very nice outfit. They’re dancing to ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ from Mary Poppins.
I keep waiting for the Charleston to start and it just never really feels like it gets off the ground. There’s a brief section of basic Charleston but it feels on the whole like just more faffing from these two.
The part where Fern passes through Artem’s legs whilst doing the splits was quite impressive but on the whole a fairly uninspiring dance, I really feel like we’ve not seen anywhere near Fern’s potential yet.
For me only a 5 I’m afraid, not enough content.
Craig: 5 “It needed a bit more swivel in your Charleston…like to see cleaner footwork…whole thing was laboured…back jazz split [was brilliant]”
Darcy: 6 “The energy was so much better…you can be my kids Mary Poppins any day”
Len: 6 “You’ve made Hollywood into Jolly-good…it was fun, it was entertaining…I’d have liked to have seen more Charleston”
Bruno: 6 “Prim, proper and extremely nice…you’ve got to pump it a bit more…characterisation good…not so hazy”
Total = 23
Victoria Pendleton & Brendan Cole – Rumba
These guys have ‘Love Lifts Us Up Where We Belong’ from An Officer and A Gentleman.
Is that a slight dress mishap during the initial dip…yep definitely as the standing drag results in Brendan having to grab large handfuls of the dress and pull it away from her shoes…though we do get an interesting bum shot in the process!
The routine seems to lack a lot of basic Rumba, moving from one line to the next with very jerky transitions and this dress is causing them a complete nightmare.
It felt less like a Rumba and more like a teenagers awkward attempt at a first slow dance. Three weeks in a row of poor performances, albeit a large majority of this week’s could possibly be attributed to the dress malfunction, I don’t think Victoria can progress much further if they don’t start pulling out some better performances.
Another disappointing week they’re going to need the audience to lift them up…but I’m not sure it’s to where they belong! I’m going to give them a 4, she did the best she could with the dress situation but the choreography wasn’t great and there were still errors creeping in.
Craig: 4 “I’m beginning to see an actress emerging which is fantastic…it was your fault with the chiffon [on your arms]…you are improving and it’s wonderful to see”
Darcy: 5 “You look beautiful…there were some sensual moves…practice with paper between your fingers [to improve the hands]”
Len: 7 “It was a bit wobbly…keep working like this…you are a bit unstable here and there…I think you did really well”
Bruno: 6 “Just when you were starting to sizzle…you were really going for it, then you got yourself into a mangle…lost concentration then it fizzled out”
Total = 22, sorry Len you’re over-marking here.
Michael Vaughan & Natalie Lowe – Cha Cha
There’s a suggestion Michael intends to strip during ‘Hot Stuff’ from Full Monty…well I suppose he has to try something to get the votes in!
It looks like Natalie’s taken the one move he’d ‘mastered’ from Jive and just introduced it into the Cha Cha, and again he manages to go out of time.
I’ll give him some dues, there is some Cha Cha now mixed in with the ‘Salsa’ but it’s messy and all over the place. The best part was Michael almost falling off the chair at the end.
He’s developing some decent hip action at times, and it’s a massive improvement on last week, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see him languishing near the bottom by the end of the show. A 4 from me on this one too I’m afraid.
Craig: 3 “Hot it was not…timing issues throughout…awkward all the way through…I suspect Latin is not going to be your dance”
Darcy: 6 “I was so much happier with your performance…the timing was out…top and lower body were now at least connected…you give your all”
Len: 6 “There was an odd moment were you maybe lost a bit of timing…straightening your leg…good hip action on your cucarachas”
Bruno: 4 “I was waiting for the Full Monty to distract me from the total lack of musicality…you have to listen to the music…it was nearly a disaster at the end…you do the Full Manic!”
Total = 19
Jerry & Anton – Quickstep
Whatever you say about her dancing, Jerry does have a certain charm about her.
The dress isn’t a good look for Jerry at the start and there’s a few hiccups throughout. The frame is looking a lot better with fewer instances on her encroaching in Anton’s space.
It’s a bit too soft for my liking and she still looks like she’s being thrown around at times but definitely an improvement on last week. I’m going to give her a 5.
Craig: 3 “The whole would’ve been better behind the screen…posture, posture, posture!”
Darcey: 6 “The Quickstep suits you…must not fade [by the end]…but I liked it…so much better”
Len: 5 “It was a bit Upstairs, Downstairs…Upstairs there’s still a few problems…Downstairs you’re quite neat and tidy…” Len couldn’t really finish talking after this faux pas!
Bruno: 4
Total = 18, same as last week which I think is a shame as there was definitely improvement this week.
Sid Owen & Ola Jordan – Salsa
I’m sorry but is this supposed to be a Tango? A really bad song choice for a Tango if you ask me…great song otherwise ‘Here I Go Again’ from Rock of Ages.
The start is ridiculous and the actual Tango is soft and lacks any attack. Tango shouldn’t feature any rise and fall but Sid is bobbing around all over the place with a face devoid of any emotion.
In line with my expectations after seeing training footage I’m afraid, a 5 for me and that may be being generous.
Craig: 4 “Stompy, clumpy, clompy”
Darcey: 4
Len: 5 “I don’t know about Rock of Ages, it took ages to get started…once you did it wasn’t too bad but there was no staccato…it wasn’t sharp enough”
Bruno: 4 “Les Dawson trying to be Van Halen…lot of headbanging but once you got into the Tango it wasn’t good”
Total = 17
Kimberley Walsh & Pasha Kovalev – Quickstep
Their song is ‘Get Happy’ from Summer Stock.
Now this is looking more like a Quickstep. A slight mishap near the stage but well recovered and a lovely smile most of the way through.
The best dance so far of the night, I’m going to give them a 7.
Craig: 7
Darcey: 7 “Great attack…beautiful light steps…worked on your top half and core”
Len: 7 “I liked it…it was light…she’s getting too far over on your right hand side…but I liked it a lot, such an improvement, well done!”
Bruno: 8 “Now we are in business…beauty, glamour, light, lovely…wonderful”
Total = 29
Denise Van Outen & James Jordan – Foxtrot
Denise and James’ song is ‘You’ve got a friend in me’ from Toy Story.
A very nice start but Denise still needs to watch her footwork at times, still looks like she’s failing to lead with her heel and I couldn’t see her releasing her toes when she walks back.
Great characterisation throughout and it’s generally a very good dance but the footwork still needs work so only a 7 from me this week.
Craig: 8 “Great posture, great control, beautifully acted and beautifully danced”
Darcy: 8 “You can dance…beautifully clean turns…just watch you don’t get too comfortable…very elegant couple”
Len: 8 “I’m giving you a verbal pat on the back…that was excellent…nice posture, well done”
Bruno: 8 “You’re made for each other…set up the story so well…so smooth and gliding…it was great”
Total = 32, evidently the Strictly cameramen have let me down this week!
Colin Salmon & Kristina Rihanoff – Argentine Tango
Funnily enough Colin is dancing to a Bond theme, ‘Goldeneye’ from…you guessed it…Goldeneye
You can feel the emotion of the dance right from the start, and this dance is definitely better suited to their height difference. I’m still not sure if he should be dragging his right foot round like he is in the spins, it looks like he’s forgotten it’s behind him.
The dip that Colin almost dropped Kristina in during training is coming up…manages it perfectly, though the entrance into the standing spin lift is a little clunky.
A nice ending and not a bad performance, especially considering how little time they’ve had to rehearse. Just a 6 for me though, probably too early in the series for an Argentine Tango if you ask me.
Craig: 7 “Full of authority and dominance…adored the lifts…they weren’t easy…fantastic”
Darcy: 7 “I would’ve like to have seen a much dirtier spy…take more risks”
Len: 6 “More shaken than stirred really…you acted it out…for me there wasn’t quite enough Argentine Tango going on”
Bruno: 6 “It would be nice to see you do a bit more dancing”
Total = 26
Richard Arnold & Erin Boag – Quickstep
Richard’s song is ‘9 to 5’ from 9 to 5
Already a much better performance than last week, though I’m seeing far to much of Richard’s chest, he needs to keep Erin a bit more to the left at times.
The vent doll look is back in this week it seems and he’s a little late getting into a few of the moves. The pivots look a little awkward near the end and it lacks a bit of pizzazz so only a 6 from me.
Craig: 6 “I didn’t mind it actually…nimble footwork…well done”
Darcey: 7 “Your best dance so far…when you get tired make sure your weight doesn’t go back on your heels”
Len: 6 “It was bright, it was lively…a little bit mincy in the footwork on occasion”
Bruno: 6 “I was expecting a full-out Dollywood…but it was good…frame was better, footwork was better…just enough comedy at the beginning”
Total = 25
Dani Harmer & Vincent Simone – Foxtrot
‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ from The Wizard of Oz is Dani’s song.
I do like Dani’s poise and arms movements. The footwork looks a little laboured at times and she needs to keep in contact with the floor when she’s not doing those actual kicks.
No idea why they have the dog at the end though.
A nice performance with room for improvement, another 6 I think.
Craig: 7 “I loved the routine…turns are lovely and clean…still a habit of looking down at the floor…keep stretching”
Darcey: 6 “Always surprise me…control in your gliding…it was smooth…keep working hard”
Len: 8 “That was great”
Bruno: 8 “It was so pretty…romantic, sweet, I really loved it”
Total = 29
Lisa & Robin – Jive
‘Hanky Panky’ from Dick Tracy is their Jive this week.
Lisa’s definitely looking to bring out her sexy side, and I think she’s managing it. It’s definitely a fast song but somehow the dance itself doesn’t seem as fast as the training videos.
Robin almost has a slip in front of the judges which could’ve caused an issue if he hadn’t recovered as quickly as he did. I think Lisa just makes a slight mistake near the end but it’s really difficult to tell so it was well covered if it was.
Not sure on the leapfrog at the end though.
I think Lisa just started to tire near the end (unsurprisingly) but it was a fast and fun Jive and well deserving of a 7 this week. Just could’ve had a little more Jive content.
Craig: 8 “I get very excited watching you darling…that was brilliant”
Darcey: 6 “Lisa you never fail to entertain…was missing the spring and bounce in that Jive, you can do it, it was just missing”
Len: 7 “Great big bundle of joy…plenty of hanky panky…captured the feeling, not always the technique”
Bruno: 8 “You’re a spunky lady…vibrancy, vitality…I love watching you”
Total = 29
Nicky Byrne & Karen Hauer – Quickstep
They’re dancing to the dance theme from The Mask, and Nicky’s definitely acting the part authentically.
His posture is awful though, hunched up, and the feet are placed far to aggressively for a Quickstep. He barely brings his feet together during the scatter chassés which makes them look incredibly stompy. Also has bent knees throughout which affects his rise and fall.
Much better than last week but still a way off most of the Quicksteps from tonight. I’m going to give him a 6 though.
Craig: 6 “You’re starting to win me over…amazing job really”
Darcy: 7 “Loved the energy, loved the attack…you were having fun on that dance floor…little bit of bounce in the shoulders…so much of an improvement”
Len: 7 “This week full of life…virtually never straighten your legs…I liked it”
Bruno: 7 “You need a mask every day…very good Quickstep…leading with conviction”
Total = 27
Louis Smith & Flavia Cacace – Salsa
Dirty Dancing, complete with lift, to ‘Time Of My Life’; this could be amazing, or a catastrophe!
The trouble they’re going to have is that everyone who’s seen the film KNOWS this dance, and that’s quite an expectation to live up to.
There’s a better connection between them during this dance than we’ve seen previously, but I do wonder how long before we see Louis going to ‘acting’ school to help with his performances.
Great splits during the jump off the stage.
It’s a good representation of the dance from the film, I’d like to see more hip action in the general dancing, not just the highlighted moments. However anyone that can pull off that final lift deserves an 8 in my book.
Craig: 8 “Contained, simmering, understated…it was fantastic”
Darcey: 8 “I saw a spark of emotion lit between you and Flavia…Salsa has to be freer…beautifully done [the lift at the end], amazing!”
Len: 6 “I thought you did the lifts excellently well…the actual Salsa lacked a bit of attack…a little bit timid”
Bruno: 8 “I thought you were smooth…iconic lift done wonderfully…I think you’re great”
Total = 30, how can you give that a 6?
So that puts the final leader board (my score in brackets):
1. 32 – Denise & James [7]
2. 30 – Louis & Flavia [8]
3. 29 – Lisa & Robin [7]
3. 29 – Kimberley & Pasha [7]
3. 29 – Dani & Vincent [6]
6. 27 – Nicky & Karen [6]
7. 26 – Colin & Kristina [6]
8. 25 – Richard & Erin [6]
9. 23 – Fern & Artem [5]
10. 22 – Victoria & Brendan [4]
11. 19 – Michael & Natalie [4]
12. 18 – Jerry & Anton [5]
13. 17 – Sid & Ola [5]
Hard to call this week, I think Michael should be the one to go. Jerry was unlucky not to have scored a little higher though.
If you’re ready for the results…read on!
We saw Top Hat earlier in the year thanks to one of our students and we very much enjoyed it, it’s good to see Tom Chambers is still dancing.
Half surprised not to see Brucie jumping out to join in…but then it’s the Sunday night show (recorded on Saturday night) so he’s obviously gone home to bed by this point!
The first couples safe were as follows:
Kimberley & Pasha
Louis & Flavia
Nicky & Karen
Sid & Ola
Colin & Kristina
Dani & Vincent
First couple in the dance off is Jerry & Anton
Talk with the Judges
Len’s Lens
- ‘Toto’ shaking himself, wonderful kicks!
- Len being booed…Bruno’s facial reaction
- Darcey ‘on the phone’? Or just talking to the producer…?
- Craig as the Tin Man, with a critique from Bruno
Other couples safe are:
Denise & James
Fern & Artem
Lisa & Robin
Victoria & Brendan
That leaves Michael & Natalie, or Richard & Erin as the final couple in the bottom two. Joining Jerry & Anton in the dance off is Michael & Natalie.
Out of these two Michael should really be going home but there’s still the dance off with the potential to save them.
Jerry & Anton – Quickstep
Her frame looks worse in this dance-off, and she needs to concentrate more on the dance and less on singing the song.
Feels like a lack of energy in this second performance, but she should be safe unless Michael pulls off a blinder!
Michael & Natalie – Cha Cha
Unfortunately he can’t even strip in time with the music this time. The timing swings between in time, and marginally out, but I think he’s going home.
Judges Votes
Craig: Michael “For me, this couple improved slightly, and were a little bit better, which was encouraging. The couple I would like to save is Michael and Natalie”
Darcey: Michael “Both couples have improved so much over the last few weeks. It is so hard to take it on this one performance, because nerves got hold of both of them. I have to save Michael and Natalie”
Len: Michael “To be honest, neither couple impressed me. The pressure got to both of them. Jerry’s routine was full of mistakes. Michael’s routine went in and out of time. This is a really difficult, difficult decision for me. This is so close, but I’m going to save Michael and Natalie”
Bruno: Jerry “Well I actually thought that both couples were very, very nervous tonight. I thought they actually didn’t improve. There were mistakes, lack of rhythm, timing, and by a whisker I’m going to save Jerry and Anton.”
Michael: 3
Jerry: 1
Going Home: Jerry Hall; a surprise maybe, but it was always going to be close between them after that dance-off.
Jerry: “I’ve had a lot of fun, it’s been great…I loved dancing with Anton”
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