Weekly Update Sunday 14th July 2024

News and Notices

Instagram…ballroom bungie

Many of you know that we’ll find whatever tools we can to help you improve your ballroom technique.

This week it was using bungie ropes to keep a couple together during their waltz…trust us it works!

Sunday Evening Cancelled

Due to England making the Euro 2024 cup final on Sunday night we have cancelled the Sunday evening beginner and improver classes.

The beginner Social Foxtrot course will still be running as normal however.

Let’s hope we all have a great weekend!

Beginner Salsa Course

Picture of dancer legs doing a latin american dance such as salsa

We have scheduled a Beginner Salsa course to start Sunday 21st July.

The course will run for four weeks and aim to get you confident in the basics, with a few extra steps thrown in.

The course costs £35pp.

Beginner Jive Course

There will be a beginner Jive course (triple-step not Rock and Roll) starting from Sunday 8th September.

The four week course costs £35pp and is available to book now.

Summer Dinner & Dance

Summer barbecue dinner and dance spread

Our summer dinner & dance takes place on Friday 9th August. Doors open at 7pm with food ready around 7.30pm/7.45pm.

The menu includes a selection of meats, halloumi kebabs, five side dishes and a summer dessert.

The evening costs £40pp and includes a welcome drink. We are already over 66% booked!


Dance Workshops

Social Events


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