Gallery – Erin Boag Ballroom Workshop Afternoon

Erin Boag

A Dance to Remember: Workshop Afternoon with Erin Boag

On a brisk November afternoon, we had the pleasure of hosting extraordinary dance workshops led by none other than the Strictly legend herself, Erin Boag. The event, held on the 12th of November 2023, transformed our usual space into a vibrant dance floor, where amateurs and seasoned dancers alike could explore the world of ballroom dancing under Erin’s expert guidance.

The Setting

As the participants arrived, the air buzzed with excitement and the soft murmur of anticipation. Erin Boag, with her ever-radiant smile and undeniable charm, made everyone feel instantly welcome and eager to start.

The Workshop

Erin began the workshop with a warm-up, easing everyone into the mood with basic steps that gradually built up in complexity. Her teaching style was both inspiring and accessible, making it easy for each participant to follow along regardless of their skill level.

As the afternoon progressed, Erin introduced more intricate sequences and techniques. Participants not only learned the steps but also received tips on posture, presentation, and how to convey emotion through dance.

The Energy

The energy in the room was palpable. Laughter and music filled the air, creating a joyful and supportive atmosphere. It was a sight to behold as everyone moved in sync, their faces lit up with the joy of dance. Erin’s enthusiasm was contagious; she moved through the crowd, offering encouragement and sharing laughs with the attendees.

Below is a gallery of images captured during the workshop. These photos encapsulate the spirit of the day—vibrant, educational, and full of life.


As the workshop concluded, participants expressed their gratitude and shared their personal highlights. Many noted how the workshop had boosted their confidence and deepened their appreciation for dance. Erin spent time chatting with the attendees and answering questions, plus posing for selfies!

Looking Forward

The success of this workshop has inspired us to plan more events like this in the future. It was not only an opportunity to learn from one of the best but also a chance to connect with others who share a passion for dance.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Erin Boag for leading an unforgettable afternoon and to all the participants who brought their energy and enthusiasm. Stay tuned for more events, and keep dancing!

This day was a beautiful reminder of how dance can bring people together and create lasting memories. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced dancer, there’s always something magical about moving to the rhythm of the music, especially when guided by a true professional like Erin.