Rock & Roll Jive – Partner Dance Lesson

In this video we’ll be looking at the 2-step Jive, very similar to Rock & Roll, and a little bit slower than the Ballroom Jive.
The lesson will be broken down into easy to follow sections to start you off, and then builds up from there.
The Dance – Rock & Roll Jive
We’ll be covering the basic movement (called a Fallaway Rock), a Throwaway and then a step called the Pull Spin.
The Fallaway Rock and the Throwaway also feature in the Ballroom Jive. The Pull Spin is a Rock & Roll step but can also be adapted for your Ballroom Jive if required.
Our aim is to give you a selection of steps that can be learnt and mastered in a confined space.
The important thing is to make sure that you don’t rush your Rock & Roll Jive. The timing is quick-quick, slow, slow and you must make sure those sideways movements are slower than the back rock.
The Music
We’ve used a track called Days Far Ahead by Logan Rich for this lesson, but any Rock & Roll style track should work. Please note we had slowed the tempo down for teaching purposes:
The Rock & Roll Jive online lesson
Our online video lesson can be found below. We hope you enjoy.
About Learn To Dance
Learn To Dance is a Ballroom and Latin American Dance School based in Burnham, Buckinghamshire.
Whilst our studio may be closed due to the Coronavirus outbreak, we’re still trying to help all our students to keep dancing!
Don’t forget, if you enjoyed our online Rock & Roll Jive dance video please send it to your family and friends. Why not also check out our other online dance lessons.
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