Beginner Waltz Course starts 28th February

waltz beginner course text over a muted picture of dancers lined up during a class. Learn To Dance logo and website address in bottom right corner.


Are you looking for a beginner course to learn how to dance the waltz? We have a brand new Beginner Waltz course starting from Monday 28th February with our returning instructor Tom Nickson.

It’s an initial 6 week course of 45 minute sessions at 12.30pm. Our One Dance Courses extend in 6 week blocks and can often run to 18 weeks! Every 6th week is a recap week, revisiting everything covered on the course in the prior 5 weeks.

What do you cover in the course?

Our courses tend to develop organically, based on the students taking part. We see what we feel works for the class in general.

However we would normally look to spend the first week or two on basics, but focusing on the general technique. This allows those less experienced in the basics to get more confident. Those happy with the basics can then work on improving their performance.

I’m a complete beginner, can I join your Beginner Waltz course?

Of course! This Beginner Waltz course has been designed to take you from the very basics and develop your understanding over the duration.

As you grow in confidence further extensions will then look to add to the steps and sequences you have learnt.

How much does the Waltz course cost?

Our Beginner Waltz course costs £45 per person, per 6 week block. Missed sessions cannot be carried over but we incorporate plenty of recap throughout the course.

Great, how do I book on?

You can book onto the Waltz course using the booking options below. If you wish to reserve a space for another person please visit our full booking system.

We look forward to welcoming you on this course. Please let us know if you have any questions.