Robbie Savage & Ola Jordan – Cha Cha Cha
Robbie looked to struggle with the Cha Cha in training and a hoodie outfit doesn’t fill me with the greatest of confidence…surely that should have been in Audley’s outfit?!
It’s started more like a Paso Doble than a Cha Cha and like a lot of Ola’s routines seems to consist of the guy standing there whilst she dances around him, but I can’t blame her.
Needs to make is Cha Cha action smaller and not stomp quite so much. Didn’t really feel like a ‘cheeky’ Cha Cha and probably just a 5 for me.
Craig: 2 “All about a look…absolutely no dancing…standing there with Ola dancing round you isn’t what I’d call a Cha Cha Cha”
Len: 6 “was a tendency for you to stand there…came out with plenty of attack”
Alesha: 6 “‘A’ for effort…lot of room for potential growth”
Bruno: 5 “Robbie, you savage…left the Cha Cha completely ravaged…got to put the dancing in”
Total Score: 19