Anita Dobson & Robin Windsor – Waltz
I was quite impressed with Anita’s elegance in training, let’s hope she’s brought it forward to the live show.
Could just lift her chest a little bit more to improve her frame, and the heel turn in her double reverse spin was a bit too prominent.
I’ve not felt that there’s been much dancing in a lot of these Strictly routines and Robin’s been a little lax on the amount of routine that should be completely in hold, but the best Waltz of the night so far. Room for improvement so I’m only going to give a 7 at this stage.
Craig: 7 “Watch your head placement…thought the whole routine was gorgeous”
Len: 7
Alesha: 7 “Beautiful to watch as a dancer…most sincere dance of the night”
Bruno: 7 “Elegant, poised, beautifully acted…watch the top line”
Total Score: 28
See Alesha, I told you it was too early for an 8 earlier – this was by far the best dance so far and you could only give it a 7!