Pamela Stephenson & James Jordan – Viennese Waltz

A wonderfully elegant start and looking great in hold, though I still feel her shoulders could be lower in hold.  A great dramatisation and excellent retelling of the ‘Ghost’ storyline.

Aside from her shoulder line there’s not really anything I can criticise so I’m actually going to give it a 10.

Craig: 10 “Elegant…stylish…tasteful…full of emotion…gorgeous”
Len: 10 “Tonight is all about who should get through to next week’s semi final…on that performance I’ll see you next week”
Alisha: 10 “Perfect song…perfect dress…perfect choreography…perfect dance”
Bruno: 10

Total Score: 40

Our first perfect score of the series, and I think Pamela appreciated that, not sure James’ ears did…what a birthday present though!