Matt Baker & Aliona Vilani – Jive

Matt is doing a rather good impression of Austin Powers, though I think they do need to get Jiving at some point soon.

There’s some quite complicated kick choreography but it does feel a bit too Austin Powers and not enough Jive.  A real let down if you ask me and I think they could get a kicking from the judges.

For me just a 7 when they could have done so much better.

Craig: 8 “Absolutely loved that back somersault…characterisation was flawless…did loose timing…sadly”
Len: 9 “I liked the backflip thing, I thought this desk was going to break…good job well done”
Alisha: 9
Bruno: 9 “Groovy baby…Jive with a swinging sixties flavour…well done”

Total Score: 35

Seems I was a bit too harsh?