Strictly Come Dancing Training Clips – Wk 1
So it’s been a week since the couples were announced in the launch show and the BBC have released a few Strictly Come Dancing training videos to wet our appetites.
First up, Michelle Williams & Brendan Cole
Well they certainly look like they’re having fun and I think with a bit of hard work Michelle could produce some exciting dancing – I think Cha Cha Cha will prove to be a good first dance for them.
Next up, Goldie & Kristina Rihanoff
Didn’t really get to see any dancing in this clip, well at least not enough Cha Cha to make a judgement, but I’m concerned that Goldie doesn’t appear to be taking the initial training as seriously as he could do, but time will tell.
The next couple to have a training video released are Matt Baker & Aliona Vilani, one of my tipped celebrities based on the launch show but will I feel the same after seeing their training video?
I still think Matt shows a lot of potential, though his hands concern me a little bit – they’re not masculine enough for my liking at present, a little too bent at the wrist at the moment and I think that’s something Len will pick up on too.
All in all it’s looking pretty good so far though.
Now for some magic from Paul Daniels & Ola Jordan
Apart from being a little freaked out that Paul looks like an older version of my Uncle David, I was impressed with Ola’s methodology for teaching Paul.
Unfortunately I do think Paul has got his work cut out if he wants to survive, a Waltz would’ve been more kind as his first dance!
Our final couple’s training video this week comes from Scott Maslen & Natalie Lowe,
Natalie must be hoping to go one better this year and actually win the competition, but let’s try and get through week one first.
Scott is looking ok at the moment, though I’m not quite sure on the turn-ups! However it is definitely showing some promise.
I for one can’t wait for Strictly Come Dancing to start as I think there are definitely some interesting partnerships ready to develop. I can’t say I’ve developed a favourite yet, it really is too early in their training to call, but is there someone you’re rooting for?