It Takes Two – Thursday 11th October

On Thursday’s show they featured Kimberly & Pasha, Richard & Erin, Colin & Kristina along with sneak peeks at their outfits (I won’t talk about this!) and updates on training.

Breaking News

Aliona update: Latest is 4 weeks rest, then she can be back. Will be taking part in the Christmas Special
Denise: Whiplash from her Jive!

[An]Tony’s Training Titbits

Antony Holeksa [i.e. ME!] on Thursday training footage:

Johnny & Iveta’s Foxtrot

Johnny needs to relax during his solo spins, and watch his right shoulder, needs to keep it back. His right arm musn’t drop down as it collapses his whole frame…I think Foxtrot will definitely suit him better than the Cha Cha, but he also needs to keep his bum in!

Nicky & Karen’s Cha Cha Cha

Nicky’s shoulders need to be kept down and needs to elongate his neck more. Does appear to have rhythm but his presentation will be the deciding factor on this one I feel

Colin & Kristina’s Viennese Waltz

Bum in Colin! Not helped by the large height difference between them. I think Ballroom could be a struggle for them and that’s mainly down to the pairing.

Lisa & Robin’s Viennese Waltz

Some nice arms but she looks very uncomfortable once they actually start dancing.

Denise & James’ Jive

It’s a very fast routine but she looks to be coping with it quite well. Would like to see a bit more dancing in there but I’m sure we’ll see that on Saturday night.

Kimberley & Pasha’s Foxtrot

I agree with Ian’s comments yesterday that she really shouldn’t be training in boots, especially not in week 2, and especially not for Foxtrot.

Jerry & Anton’s Foxtrot

Jerry needs to relax her left shoulder, she looks like she’s hanging on Anton…stretch out those elbows Jerry…would like to see a bit more rise and fall too.

Fern & Artem’s Viennese Waltz

Fern is looking elegant and has some nice arm extensions, but not much footage of them actually dancing.

Victoria & Brendan’s Foxtrot

Needs to watch her footwork, coming down too early on to heels. I’m hoping those are training dance shoes she’s wearing and not boots!

Dani & Vincent’s Salsa

Definitely going to be more Dani’s type of dance and looks to suit her better, but I am concerned that it might just be too fast when it comes down to it.

Michael & Natalie’s Jive

Some nice hip action developing but he must try not to stick his bum out whilst doing it!

Louis & Flavia’s Viennese Waltz

Quite a nice frame, though he does drop his right arm at times. Looking quite promising though.

Sid & Ola’s Salsa

Sid must watch his free arm when he’s not in hold, and not have it just hanging by his side. It’s looking quite good at points, but also pretty awful at others so let’s hope some more training can polish it up.

Richard & Erin’s Cha Cha Cha

Ian said on Wednesday that this was going to be the campest Cha Cha we’ve ever seen…and she could be right! Remember Richard it’s chest first, not pelvis.

Colin Salmon & Kristina Rihanoff

It was better than Colin expected it to be. He was thrilled with the comments he received from Len.

A VT of Colin’s early training, likened to a baby’s first steps, mildly ammusing.

Colin’s 50 he reveals…definitely looks good for it!

Training footage of their Viennese Waltz looks nice and elegant, much better than the footage we saw earlier in the show

Kimberley Walsh & Pasha Kovalev

Nickname: Pasha-ley

Really enjoyed their routine, but didn’t expect the scores they received. Were scared going out first after the way the judges had scored and commented on the first night.

A VT follows, showing Kimberley uses ‘Yeah’ more than Darcey does!

Kimberley is loving Foxtrot but is strugglng with learning it in 4 days. More training footage still shows here training in boots, which I think is really affecting her ability to balance during some of the more difficult steps.

Richard Arnold & Erin Boag

Zoe: “Len said, some of the best Waltz footwork he’d ever seen”
Richard: “That’s a compliment for [Erin]. You’ve been putting me through the ring”

Zoe: “Craig did use his favourite term, spatulistic…a dubious honour?”
Richard: “On the night, when you hear comments like that…it was only when I watched it back”

Erin would have never given Richard a camp Waltz, however Cha Cha is going to be more flamboyant.

VT of Richard stuck like superglue to Erin, kissing, hugging, cuddling; Erin: “I have Richard by day, and my husband by night…probably the right way round!”

Richard: “There’s not a row of tents long enough [to cope with the campness of our Cha Cha]”

Friday’s update will possibly be late tonight, but we’re in Bournemouth for a dance break so it depends how our schedule works out.