Scott Maslen & Natalie Lowe – Paso Doble

Scott will be dancing the Paso Doble as James Bond this week, and apparently shirtless…

He’s lacking Spanish lines and really needs to dance the ball more into the floor, but at least he’s more awake this week.

A stripping ending just to make sure he gets the votes, think Natalie was worried?

A bit of a mixed bag really, didn’t quite feel like a Paso but I’ll give it an 8.

Craig: 8 “I don’t agree with that, could have done with a bit more Paso shaping through the arms…you are back…virile…red blooded…hot”
Len: 9 “00 Se-ven…you came out you had passion…couple of incidents here and there…coped very well”
Alisha: 9 “Giving Gavin a run for his money in the chest department…back in the zone”
Bruno: 9 “Licence to thrill…managed to do it [the Spanish lines]”

Total Score: 35