Matt Baker & Aliona Vilani – Paso Doble

Some nice strong Spanish lines at the start, there’s a bit too much posturing around, even for Paso if you ask me, and the Chasse Capes look a little awkward.  I’m not sure on the rolling hands from Matt during Aliona’s back bend, that’s usually the girls role.

A very good Paso, not perfect so just a 9.

Craig: 9 “Actually I rather liked it…wonderful Flamenco”
Len: 8 “I liked it, but I wasn’t over struck on it…kept getting your chin down…ok but wasn’t fantastic”
Alisha: 9 “I think this dance was made for you…for me a solid performance”
Bruno: 9 “It had the aggressive power, it was flamboyant…lose artistry…good but not brilliant”

Total Score: 35